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Jocelyn Warner

In a world where a thousand images fight to grab our ever fleeting attentions, where walls of beige and magnolia dull the senses, Warner’s visions of nature are a soothing and uplifting backdrop to modern day living. Taking her starting point from nature, she transforms images into simple forms, leading to a new interpretation of wallpaper. Her trade mark motifs, pattern and fashionable colours have been designed specially for the feature wall, enabling you to use the wallpapers to create a unique sense of style.

For more information visit their website



Andrzej Blonski
Ankur Architects
Crown & Leek
Jaia Architects
Jocelyn Warner
Oriental Contracting
SSBA Design Group

Unit 23, Links Yard, 29A Spelman Street, London E1 5LX
T: 020 7375 3754 F: 020 7422 0080
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