020 7247 1892
More than just a landlord.
One of the biggest commercial premises landlords in the area, Spitalfields Small Business Association [SSBA] is neither a profit making organisation nor a charity [although we do have a charitable wing, SSBA Community Trust, which is home to our 2 social enterprises HEBA women's project and Poetry In Wood].
SsBA is quite unlike any other landlord. Our tenants participate in the running of the business by not only electing the management committee but also by having a tenant representative at management committee level.
SsBA actively promotes development and training activities that improve and strengthen the local economy and enhances the socio-economic well- being of the local communities. We are a community based business working uniquely to benefit the local area and help provide jobs to local people by providing affordable business premises for small businesses in a thriving, prime location at the heart of London's east end.
SsBA has over 80 business premises in Brick Lane, Spelman Street, Deal Street, Princelet Street, and Hanbury Street and manages a community business centre in the area, The Business Development Centre on Greatorex Street. which provides premises to an additional 14 small businesses.